Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Take a look at the display case just inside the Library Learning Resources (LLR) entrance to see two new displays.

U.S. Constitution Day took place on September 17th.  On one side of the display case, you'll find a display of books and other items celebrating the Constitution and the founding of the nation.  Did you know that George Washington and James Madison were the only two presidents to sign the Constitution?

Native American Heritage Month takes place in November.  On the other side of the case, you'll see books and DVD's on Native American culture and history.  Also on display is a list of the federally recognized tribes in California, and a couple of maps showing California tribal areas and languages.

If you need one of the books or DVD's in our display case, they can still be checked out!  Just ask at the Reference or Circulation desks.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Come to The Read at 5:30 this evening to listen or participate in Open Mic Poetry.  Go the the 3rd floor of Library Learning Resources (LLR).

The guest poet this evening is Crystal Salas.  Crystal spends a great deal of her time sighing at Frank O'Hara poems, telling people what they should be reading, and taking very long walks.  After attending Moorpark College she graduated from UC Santa Cruz with a degree in Creative Writing.  She is the co-founder of Atomic Tangerine Press which produces "Poetry Solves Problems", a bi-monthly art salon/celebration in Los Angeles.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Ventura College Library Awarded "Bridging Cultures: Muslim Journeys" Grant

Moorpark College Library is a partner in a grant that Ventura College Library has received. The grant Bridging Cultures Bookshelf: Muslim Journeys is a project of the National Endowment for the Humanities, conducted in cooperation with the American Library Association. Support was provided by a grant from Carnegie Corporation of New York. Additional support for the arts and media components was provided by the Doris Duke Foundation for Islamic Art.
The Muslim Journeys Bookshelf includes books and videos. The purpose of this collection is to  address the need and desire of American college students and the public for trustworthy and accessible resources and to increase understanding of the peoples, cultures, histories, and religion of Muslim people here in the United States and around the world.

The "Bookshelf" includes themes of study entitled: "American Stories," "Connected Histories," Literary Reflections," "Pathways of View," "Points of View," "Art, Architecture, and Film.”  Each theme contains books available for checkout to Moorpark College campus community through the Library Catalog.  For assistance in borrowing these books, please call the Reference Desk at (805)378-1472 or email us at

Be sure to check the Ventura College Library website for a listing of these books and videos
The Ventura College Library is also hosting a series of events in the Library:
1.    On September 25, the Library is hosting a food tasting at 5:30pm.
2.    On October 15, Chris Cryer, author of Tolstoy in Riyadh, will talk about The Arabian Nights at 5:30pm
3.    On October 29, Nooshie Motaref, author of Iran: A Persian Tapestry, will do a presentation on Sufism and Islam at 5:30pm.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Moorpark College Library Celebrates Constitution Day, Sept. 17, 2013

This year’s Constitution Day, Sept. 17, 2013, marks the 226th anniversary of the U.S. Constitution. The Library will have a Constitution Day display on the second floor of the Library Learning Resources building presenting a collection of library materials about the United States Constitution.